Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Date with Denali

Remember, men need laughter sometimes more than food.  ~Anna Fellows Johnston

For a few weeks I sort of swore off dating.  It wasn't bad, I was just starting to feel like it was a waste of time.  Also, men on POF starting messaging me not realizing they had messaged me last month, when I told them I was not interested.  

After reading another blog, I came across another dating site, I thought I would give it a shot.  I actually like it a lot more than POF.  Much more more user friendly.  And you can quickly tell who is serious about dating, and who isn't.  

Two weeks ago, Denali sent me a message:

If Bigfoot chased you whilst on a scooter with a cup of, don't buy ripe bannanas that day:) 

Needless to say, I decided I would go out with him. We agreed on Korean BBQ after having a long talk about southern food and Japanese food.  

Meeting him at the restaurant, I saw he drove a truck, but didn't give it a second thought.  

I knew going into this date, that he wasn't the most attractive man I've ever seen, but his humor was a huge turn on.  He is tall and looks as Italian as it gets. I found out he has his own real estate business but he wants to go to law school.  We talked about the politics of education and he showed a clear respect for educators, knowing quite a lot about the public school system in Colorado.  

Our meal was fantastic.  Expensive, but fantastic.  We ended up heading to a bar after, where I did not run into Jew!  We talked for a few hours. By midnight I was crashing.  After spending an entire day at a wine festival and then having an extravagant meal, I was done.  I drove him back to his truck.  

It was awkward...really awkward.  He gave me a high five...and I laughed my ass off.  Then he hugged me, which doesn't really work when you are sitting in a truck.  So then he got out, opened my door and planted one on me.  I wasn't really expecting it, but there ya go.  Kiss on a first date.  I think I need to throw that rule out the window. 

As I pulled away, I noticed his truck was a Denali.....a newer, prettier version of my Beast.  

1 comment:

  1. I've just started online dating's kind of like walking through a jungle that is mostly full of weird bugs but every once in a while a hot dude. ;)
